Employment & Human Services

Workforce Development Board

Contra Costa County’s Workforce Development Board (WDB) supports a robust network that creates and promotes dynamic education systems, high-performing businesses, and a prosperous local economy with an abundance of high-quality jobs and skilled workers to fill them.
The Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County offers a variety of services to help job seekers looking for employment and career opportunities. America’s Job Center of California / EASTBAY Works connects people with opportunities for training and employment.
Basic Career Services
Basic services are self-directed and require only registration in CalJOBS. Staff may offer minor assistance in the Resource Room or facilitation in a workshop.
- Internet job search
- Phones, copiers, fax
- Job search workshops (resumes, interviews, networking)
- Basic computer classes
- Labor market information
- Resource library
Individualized Services
Individualized services allow for one-on-one work with a career coach and require enrollment in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program.
- Career coaching
- Skills assessments
- Needs-based funding for job training
- On-the-job training opportunities
- Job search assistance
- Networking opportunities
- Skills upgrade
- Skills certification (fees may apply)
Staff at the centers can help job seekers with career planning and assessment, job training, and transition solutions to re-enter the workforce. Workshops are offered on basic computer skills, social networking, job search, résumé development, and interviewing. Please see the calendar below for workshop and assessment schedules. The centers also offer high-speed Internet access, photocopiers, fax, and telephones for use in your job search – all at no cost.
Jobseekers Ages 16-24 (Youth)
The Workforce Development Board supports services year-round to youth and young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 who have barriers to graduating from school, finding a job or launching a career. Young Adults looking for a career or employment can receive help through intensive case management, training services, educational programs, and supportive services. Through work experience, mentoring, academic support, and career development assistance, we help young people enter the workforce with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be successful in a 21st-century educational and/or workplace setting.
- Internet job search
- Phones, copiers, fax
- Job search workshops (resumes, interviews, networking)
- Basic computer classes
- Labor market information
- Resource library
We Specialize in Promptly Serving Jobseekers with Greater Need
Do you qualify for Priority of Service? Please let us know if you:
- Have a disability
- Are low income or receive public assistance
- Have experienced involvement in the justice system
- Are a veteran or are the spouse of a veteran
- Have any other barrier to education or employment
Free Online Training
Do you qualify for Priority of Service? Please let us know if you:
- Want to further your education, but need flexibility?
- Need training that will make you more competitive?
- Want to open up your career options?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Metrix Learning can help you grow!
You can access free online career and technical education by registering for Metrix.
Why hire the formerly incarcerated?
EHSD is encouraging businesses to hire formerly incarcerated people. Statistics show more than 70 percent of formerly incarcerated people are unemployed in Contra Costa County. Consequently, more than 70 percent of people who get out of jail end up committing more crimes (burglary, drug trafficking) and go back to jail.
Workforce Development Board
Want to get involved in the local economy and the welfare of local workers? Become a part of our Workforce Development Board. As a member, you will be able to take an active role in connecting companies with individual job seekers and making our community a better, stronger place. Together, we can help our fellow Contra Costa County citizens find gainful employment, and support local businesses in their quest for great employees.
With more than 70% of the formerly incarcerated population in Contra Costa County being unemployed, finding a job as an ex-offender can be hard. At EHSD, we are here to help. We know that you want to work, and we are wholeheartedly dedicated to ensuring that you find gainful employment to help you survive and thrive.
Why hire the formerly incarcerated?
EHSD is encouraging businesses to hire formerly incarcerated people. Statistics show more than 70 percent of formerly incarcerated people are unemployed in Contra Costa County. Consequently, more than 70 percent of people who get out of jail end up committing more crimes (burglary, drug trafficking) and go back to jail.
We proudly offer a wide range of services to help young people find employment. We would be more than happy to help you find a job that you can succeed in and help you start building your life. Do not hesitate to reach out to us today to find out more about the services we provide. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
We would be more than happy to show you how hiring formerly incarcerated individuals can benefit your business. Not only does employing these people help to make the world a better place, but it helps your business. There are thousand of ex-offenders just looking for the right chance to rebuild their lives. Become a part of helping them do so today.
Your responsibilities as a board member include:
- Building and carrying out strategies for our local workforce plan
- Creating policies and setting goals and objectives that help county residents to be successful
- Providing necessary support to dislocated workers during economic restructuring
- Organizing community meetings to evaluate current issues within our local workforce
- Be a true advocate for our Contra Costa County job seekers and employers
- Attending bi-monthly, two-hour long board meetings for both the board as a whole and the board subcommittee
Ready to join? Reach out to us at the Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services Department today. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we would love for you to be apart of our board.
Our team at EHSD is here to ensure that you are employed and well-taken care of. We will work tirelessly to help you find the job that is right for you.