What is Community Services?

The Community Services Bureau (CSB) is part of a national network of Community Action Agencies established by the 1964 War on Poverty to address the underlying conditions that cause poverty. In 2006, the Community Services Department was made a bureau of the Employment and Human Services Department. With an annual budget of almost $50 Million and approximately 400 employees in 15 direct service locations and multiple partners across the county, CSB is the largest childcare provider in Contra Costa County. Each year we combine federal Head Start and State Child Development funds to provide primarily full-day, full-year Early Childhood Education Services to over 2,200 children and their families.
CSB is the Community Action agency for Contra Costa County through Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) funding and CSB provides direct assistance with home energy costs, weatherization, and funding for community based organizations to assist the low-income population move out of poverty.
Camilla Rand