
Homeless Assistance Program

Families who are eligible for CalWORKs and who are homeless can apply for a special need payment to meet their costs for temporary and permanent housing. The Temporary Homeless Assistance payment (usually 16 days) is based on size of the CalWORKs family. The family is responsible for any amount that exceeds the daily allowance. Homeless Assistance is available only once in a 12-month period unless the family is homeless due to domestic violence, natural disaster, inhabitability, or a physical or mental disability. All exceptions must be verified by a third party agency.

Relocation Program

The Employment & Human Services Department (EHSD) operates a housing supportive services program that helps CalWORKs participants with housing-related problems they have by providing stable living arrangements and enhancing their work toward self-sufficiency.

The Relocation Program is a one-time only program to issue a maximum of $1,500 to eligible participants who have obtained a job or received a documented offer of employment, and need to move closer to work, child care, or public transportation. Or families living in temporary situations who are employed and are in need of permanent housing are also eligible. This subsidy may be used for moving expenses, such as moving truck rental, utility deposits, and security deposit. Payment is made directly to the vendor or landlord.

Relocation Program Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be actively receiving CalWORKs or eligible for Job Retention Services within 12 months following discontinuance from CalWORKs.
  • Must provide documented proof of employment or job offer.
  • Must attend financial literacy workshops provided by EHSD:
    • “Break The Cycle Workshop” This is a structured workshop that provides consumer education/training on the basics of money and credit management. It teaches you how to manage living expenses, including housing and transportation costs. The workshop focuses on basic understanding of how credit affects your life, from renting an apartment, getting a loan, buying a car and establishing credit. It includes understanding loan types, interest rates and terms, rental and home ownership responsibilities, credit cards, bankruptcy, and more. It addresses emotional aspects of money decisions and goal setting. Participants leave with tools to create the beginning of a personal budget and spending plan.
    • “Individual Personal Budget Counseling” This session is offered if you have had bad credit or never have money left before the end of the month. These participants have completed the “Break The Cycle Workshop” and continue to have difficulties budgeting. Workshop Coordinators work with the client to set up a personal budget, establish financial goals, plan and track expenditures. This session is a detailed planning session and is strictly personal and confidential. The participant demonstrates an understanding of how to plan spending and to prevent budget crisis in the future.

For questions related to the Homeless Assistance special need payment or housing supportive services through the Relocation Program, call your CalWORKs worker.

Please note that the availability of the housing program is dependent upon available County funding.